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Alumni Spotlight: Angela Jo Wolcott

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Conflict Resolution Institute

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CRI Alum Angela Jo Woolcott (MA 10') currently works as Program Manager at Collaborative Decision Resources (CDR) Associates located in Boulder, Colorado. Before turning her attention to the field of conflict resolution, Wolcott worked in marketing and advertising, "I consider my background in communications to be a distant cousin to the field of conflict resolution; a complimentary skillset to draw from." Wolcott started her new career path in conflict resolution at Denver Health as their first non-medical intern. She appreciates the Conflict Resolution program for providing her with the applicable skills and experience needed to hit the ground running in the field after graduation.

Wolcott's work as a Program Manager at CDR Associates covers broad and varied areas of practice. "We offer a range of collaborative services such as facilitation, mediation, customized training, public involvement, multilateral intervention, dispute resolution system design, strategic planning, and so on." Forming contracts with clients, CDR Associates offer conflict management assistance to clients who require help in areas such as transportation, health policy, organizational effectiveness, and natural resources among other areas. Wolcott cites the "rich, in-depth, theoretical knowledge" that the faculty brought to the Conflict Resolution program and it that it has "proven priceless in the value that it adds to my work". CDR Associates espouses the idea that talking, finding common ground and reaching agreements on difficult issues is central to their practice. CDR Associates work on a national, international, and tribal level with governments, companies such as United Airlines, multilateral institutions like the UN and the Sierra Club, as well as foundations.

CDR Associates praises Wolcott as having a "genuine engaging style" that "culminates in long-lasting, mutually beneficial stakeholder relationships". With a focus on communication and finding solutions, Wolcott's "natural inclination to create consensus, along with her collaborative work ethic," has worked well for her and benefitted others. She has facilitated between the CDC's Advisory Council, hospitals, medical clinics, City of Colorado Springs Parks Department, and the Colorado Department of Transportation among many other organizations to help solve problems peacefully and professionally.

To current Conflict Resolution students and those entering the program at the 快活app, Wolcott's advice is to, "Have a clear focus going into the program. Identify what has meaning to YOU." Wolcott elaborates further by suggesting that students should market themselves while they are in school and form networks with people and organizations that may help in the future. By taking risks and paying good deeds forward, you can get ahead in this career path. Wolcott says to have fun and leave yourself open to opportunities to gain new expertise from unexpected sources.

Angela Jo Woolcott can be contacted at awoolcott@mediate.org

--Charlotte Prewitt