BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Denver University//NONSGML//EN X-WR-CALNAME: Calendar Title CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:5123671748bf3f96d DTSTART:20240428T203000Z DTEND:20240428T230000Z DTSTAMP:20240428T203000Z CREATED:20241022T003959Z DESCRIPTION:

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Deep in the forest\, Oberon and Tytania\, the fairy king and queen\, are quarreling. Oberon enlists his henchman Puck to find a magic plant and cast a spell on Tytania. Meanwhile\, four Athenian lovers run away to the forest\, and they are quickly entwined in Puck&rsquo\;s trickery. \;

Join Lamont Opera Theatre and Lamont Symphony Orchestra performers for magic\, mischief\, romance\, and sheer enchantment in Benjamin Britten&rsquo\;s setting of Shakespeare&rsquo\;s classic comedy.

For this new production\, Matthew Plenk is the artistic and stage director. Sahar Nouri is the music director and conductor. Scenic design by Matthew S. Crane\, with construction by the ¿ì»îapp Theater Scene Shop. Costumes are designed by Delcinea Lutes and Myrna Schulte. Lighting design is by Henry Award winner Emily Maddox.


For ticket questions\, please contact the Newman Center Box Office at 303-871-7720.

For all other Lamont questions\, please call 303-871-6400.