BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Denver University//NONSGML//EN X-WR-CALNAME: Calendar Title CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:41806716e0f3bce89 DTSTART:20240721T230000Z DTEND:20240722T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240721T230000Z CREATED:20241021T171707Z DESCRIPTION:

Ritchie Center Lawn
No matter the weather
Free admission\, no ticket required

Copenhagen-based Polish/Danish artist\, composer\, percussionist\; drummer\, carillonneur and singer-songwriter Joanna J. Stroz co-produced two solo albums: Nordic Wave (2010)\, Drums And Bells(2015)\, three singles: Harlequin\, In A Bar Called The Wood\, "Fire Fields" from the collection of "Tales From The Bell Tower"(2020)\, "Life" (7th Nov2022)and &ldquo\;Horses&rdquo\;(Official release 24thFebruary 2023) with guitarist F. Cigna.JJS was a line-up artist at The International Electronic Music Festival Strø\;m five times. The result of her unique interpretation of the electronic hits on the carillon leads her naturally into experimenting with her own creation and music production under the label: ApoloniaRecords. JJS presented her music at International Festivals in Denmark\, Ireland\, Belgium\, Germany\, Poland and The USA (Pennsylvania\, Chicago\, Philadelphia\, Michigan &\; Detroit) She was a guest performer at Princeton University(2018)\, Michigan &\; Oakland University in the USA and in Museum of Gdansk City in 2022.

Francesco Cigna has built a flourishing career in Copenhagen over the past decade. He has toured extensively across Europe and Japan\, leading his groups and as a sideman. Francesco has played and recorded with top musicians such as Bob Rockwell\, Adam Nussbaum\, Thomas Fryland\, and many others. His albums have received high praise in the press\, where he has been recognized as a rising star and noted for his original compositions and creative approach. For over ten years\, Francesco has collaborated with Joanna Stroz in their duo Angic Zorts\, exploring diverse styles that blend classical music\, jazz\, and beyond.


For ticket questions\, please contact the Newman Center Box Office at 303-871-7720.

For all other Lamont questions\, please call 303-871-6400.