BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Denver University//NONSGML//EN X-WR-CALNAME: Calendar Title CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:355967171ae87e856 DTSTART:20240523T190000Z DTEND:20240523T220000Z DTSTAMP:20240523T190000Z CREATED:20241021T212424Z DESCRIPTION:

Free admission to observe
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Almita Vamos\, violin\, is a graduate of The Juilliard School where she studied with Mischa Mischakoff and Louis Persinger. She has won the Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching six times\, the ASTA Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award\, and has been featured on &ldquo\;Sunday Morning&rdquo\; CBS and and in the New York Times best-seller\, Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mom. Currently\, she is a professor of violin at the Chicago College of Performing Arts and the Music Institute of Chicago. \;
Mrs. Vamos' students have won top prizes in many international competitions including Tchaikovsky\, Carl Flesch\, Menuhin\, Bach (Leipzig)\, Szigeti\, Kreisler\, Neilsen\, Paganini\, and Montreal and national competitions including Klein\, Stuhlburg\, Johannsen\, Corpus Christi and Kingsville. Her students play in most of the major orchestras across the United States and the world\; the New York Philharmonic\, Boston Symphony\, St. Louis Symphony\, San Francisco Symphony\, Los Angeles Philharmonic\, National Symphony\, Minnesota Orchestra\, Hong Kong Philharmonic\, Oslo Philharmonic\, and many others.

Additionally\, Mrs. Vamos was a member of the Lydian Trio and the Antioch Quartet. She won the Concert Artist Guild Award\, among many other prizes\, and has performed recitals at the 92nd Street Y\, Town Hall\, and Carnegie Recital Hall\, and has soloed with the Juilliard Orchestra\, the Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra\, under the direction of Walter Hendl\, and orchestras across Europe and Asia. Mrs. Vamos continues to perform as a soloist and chamber musician in America and abroad. Her students over four decades of teaching include also include many soloists Rachel Barton Pine\, Jennifer Koh\, Julian Rhee and Benjamin Beilman\;  \;Daniel Ching of the Miro Quartet\, violinists of the Ying Quartet\, Sibbi Bernhardsson and Simin Ganatra of the Pacifica Quartet.