BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Denver University//NONSGML//EN X-WR-CALNAME: Calendar Title CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:68306717670e94824 DTSTART:20250515T200000Z DTEND:20250515T220000Z DTSTAMP:20250515T200000Z CREATED:20241022T024918Z DESCRIPTION:

Free admission to observe
No ticket required

 \;Greg Carpenter is the first individual to hold the title of Ellie Caulkins General &\; Artistic Director in the 39-year history of Opera Colorado. During his tenure at Opera Colorado\, Greg has initiated a new artistic vision for the company which embraces new and rarely performed works presented in innovative ways. This initiative began in 2016 with Opera Colorado&rsquo\;s presentation of the world premiere of Lori Laitman&rsquo\;s The Scarlet Letter and has continued in subsequent seasons with Laura Kaminsky&rsquo\;s As One in 2017\, the world premiere of Gerald Cohen&rsquo\;s Steal A Pencil for Me in 2018\, Tom Cipullo&rsquo\;s one-act opera titled After Life and Josephine in 2019\, and in 2022\, Paul Moravec and Mark Campbell&rsquo\;s The Shining.

Prior to joining Opera Colorado\, Greg worked for four years for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington\, DC\, first as a special project coordinator for the President of the National Symphony Orchestra and then as the Director of Development.  \;Mr. Carpenter was a professional opera singer from 1984 &ndash\; 1998 singing leading and supporting roles at Glimmerglass Opera\, Central City Opera\, Sarasota Opera\, Opera Theatre of Northern Virginia\, Cleveland Opera and Lyric Opera Cleveland.

Mr. Carpenter received a Bachelor of Music in vocal performance from Wittenberg University\; a Master of Music in vocal performance from Michigan State University and completed Post-Graduate Studies with the Maryland Opera Studio at the University of Maryland School of Music.
