BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Denver University//NONSGML//EN X-WR-CALNAME: Calendar Title CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:66067166ee57058e DTSTART:20240908T013000Z DTEND:20240908T033000Z DTSTAMP:20240908T013000Z CREATED:20241021T091029Z DESCRIPTION:

- $15\, plus $3 fee to purchase online

Duo Noire \;is a "virtuosic pair&rdquo\; (I Care if You Listen) of the pioneering American classical guitarists\, Thomas Flippin and Christopher Mallett. Focusing on audience-friendly contemporary music\, their concerts offer &ldquo\;profoundly enjoyable&rdquo\; genre-bending repertoire with &ldquo\;spectacular precision&rdquo\; (St. Louis Post-Dispatch).

After their 2014 EP release\, \;Figments\, Duo Noire gained international prominence with the 2018 release of their full-length debut album\, \;Night Triptych\, on New Focus Recordings. Named as an Editor&rsquo\;s Choice for top classical music albums of 2018 by both \;All Music \;and \;I Care if You Listen\, the album featured new works exclusively written for Duo Noire by accomplished women composers: GRAMMY-nominee Clarice Assad\, Courtney Bryan\, E.C.M. Artist Golfam Khayam\, Mary Kouyoumdjian\, Gity Razaz\, and Gabriella Smith. \;

Duo Noire&rsquo\;s work has been featured in \;Acoustic Guitar Magazine\, \;Classical Guitar Magazine\, the Guitar Foundation of America's journal \;Soundboard\, \;and \;Chamber Music Magazine. Their recordings have aired on radio stations nationwide\, including WQXR's \;New Sounds \;in NYC. Past highlights include fellowships for contemporary music at the Avaloch Farm Music Institute and the Norfolk Music Festival in Connecticut\, as well as concerts at China&rsquo\;s Peking University\, the 92 Street Y\, The Metropolitan Museum of Art\, Georgetown University\, the New York City and St. Louis Classical Guitar societies\, the Omaha Under the Radar and April in Santa Cruz new music festivals\, and at the Times Center playing for the MacDowell Colony.

Thomas and Christopher are graduates of the Yale School of Music. Their name is a combination of &ldquo\;Noir&rdquo\; (Black) and &ldquo\;La Noire&rdquo\; (quarter note). \;