BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Denver University//NONSGML//EN X-WR-CALNAME: Calendar Title CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:6740671648e234bf5 DTSTART:20240907T160000Z DTEND:20240907T180000Z DTSTAMP:20240907T160000Z CREATED:20241021T062818Z DESCRIPTION:

Free admission

Guitarist Colin Davin has emerged as one of today&rsquo\;s most dynamic artists. Performance highlights include concertos with the Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra\, New Mexico Philharmonic\, and Richmond Symphony\; and duo collaborations with guitarist Sharon Isbin\, harpist Emily Levin\, soprano Estelí\; Gomez\, violinist Tessa Lark\, and cellist Edward Arron.

Colin appeared as a featured musical guest on the Late Show with David Letterman alongside the late Jessye Norman. He has performed at venues around the world\, including Carnegie Hall\, Alice Tully Hall\, the Alhambra Palace\, the Paris Conservatoire\, the Fridge Fringe in Dubai\, and Afghanistan National Institute of Music.

Colin Davin is the Director of Guitar Studio and Associate Professor of Guitar at Shenandoah Conservatory. He previously served as Co-Head of the guitar department at the Cleveland Institute of Music\, and on the faculty of the Baldwin Wallace Conservatory. He has presented masterclasses at The Juilliard School\, Aspen Music Festival\, Oberlin Conservatory\, and more.

He holds a Master of Music from The Juilliard School\, with Sharon Isbin\; a Bachelor of Music from the University of Southern California\, with William Kanengiser\; and underwent preparatory studies at the Cleveland Institute of Music\, with Jason Vieaux.

Colin Davin plays a guitar by Joshia de Jonge with Augustine Strings.