BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Denver University//NONSGML//EN X-WR-CALNAME: Calendar Title CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1556716714b05b66 DTSTART:20240916T220000Z DTEND:20240917T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240916T220000Z CREATED:20241021T092043Z DESCRIPTION:

Join the Municipal Public Defender's office and the CU Boulder Law student group\, the Public Defender Association\, for a training to teach students how to read a police report and review body worn camera. The goal is to review for Constitutional violations and help prepare for direct and cross examinations at trial. Upon completion of the training\, you will be eligible to help public defenders across the state handle real cases (on a volunteer basis). You will be partnered with various offices\, and you will be able to take on as many or as little cases as you have the time for. This will provide a glimpse into the life and work of Public Defense before summer internships and/or clinics. \;

If you are interested in attending the training\, please sign up using the link below. A week prior to the training\, \; you will receive a redacted police report to use for the training. A signed confidentiality agreement will also be required.