BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Denver University//NONSGML//EN X-WR-CALNAME: Calendar Title CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:10258671712acbe074 DTSTART:20250208T023000Z DTEND:20250208T040000Z DTSTAMP:20250208T023000Z CREATED:20241021T204916Z DESCRIPTION:

- $12\, free for students &\; faculty ($3 fee to purchase online)
Program link to come
Livestream link to come

Reception to follow\, generously provided by La Belle Rosette

Play This "Pashenat": Duets for Viols

Zoe Weiss is a member of Lamont&rsquo\;s musicology faculty and an acclaimed player of the viola da gamba. She is a founding member of the ensembles LeStrange Viols\, Science Ficta\, and the Folk Baroque Trio. She has also performed with the Oberlin Consort of Viols\, the Smithsonian Consort of Viols\, the Folger Consort\, and ACRONYM. On Baroque and modern double bass\, viola da gamba\, and violone\, David Miller has appeared with groups such as the Handel and Haydn Society\, Arcadia Players\, Trinity Wall Street\, Voices of Music\, Music at Marsh Chapel\, New York Baroque Incorporated\, the Albany Consort\, and Seven Times Salt.

The program takes its title from an early English spelling of &ldquo\;passionate\,&rdquo\; found in a performance instruction from Tobias Hume.


We regret that we are no longer able to provide complimentary parking for faculty recitals.

For ticket questions\, please contact the Newman Center Box Office at 303-871-7720.

For all other Lamont questions\, please call 303-871-6400.