BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Denver University//NONSGML//EN X-WR-CALNAME: Calendar Title CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:733067164bbc9a34c DTSTART:20241114T023000Z DTEND:20241114T043000Z DTSTAMP:20241114T023000Z CREATED:20241021T064028Z DESCRIPTION:

Purchase - $5 for reserved parterre seats\, or FREE general admission ($3 fee to purchase online)
Livestream link to come
Program link to come
Complimentary parking

Hands Across the Sea

Join the Lamont Wind Ensemble for an inspiring evening of music that celebrates the deep and lasting alliances between the United States and its European partners. Percy Grainger&rsquo\;s Lincolnshire Posy\, based on English folk songs\, captures the essence of the people and landscapes of rural England. Composed during World War II\, Darius Milhaud&rsquo\;s Suite Franç\;aise is a tribute to the resilience and spirit of the French people\, blending traditional French melodies with Milhaud's unique\, modernist flair. A highlight of the evening will be Wilhelm&rsquo\;s Concertino for Tuba and Winds\, featuring Steve Dombrowski.


For ticket questions\, please contact the Newman Center Box Office at 303-871-7720.

For all other Lamont questions\, please call 303-871-6400.