BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Denver University//NONSGML//EN X-WR-CALNAME: Calendar Title CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:474867172a306a28b DTSTART:20250315T203000Z DTEND:20250315T223000Z DTSTAMP:20250315T203000Z CREATED:20241021T222936Z DESCRIPTION:

Help us Channel the Power of the Ancients! The ancient runes\, hewn into the mossy boulders that dot Streedagh Beach in Ireland's County Slingo have puzzled scientists and \; anthropologists for decades. Legends of their meaning have been passed down by word of mouth by the local villagers for generations. Some say the runes describe a story of a great sea beast that terrorized the village\, some say they hold the recipe for a hearty and medicinal stew\; but the mysteries of the runes have never been fully uncovered--- until now. Denver Brass has decoded the forgotten language and unlocked the secrets of the ancient Celtic ritual they describe. To pull this off and divine the disembodied spirits of the elder druids\, we will need some help from our friends at Celtics Steps Irish Dance\, Rocky Mountain Highland Dancers\, Celtic Colorado Pipes and Drums\, and Irish Tenor Todd Teske. Join Denver Brass as we perform the sacred rites of Celtic Awakening.

Program Highlights: Danny Boy\, Ancient Threads\, Echoes of America\, Skye Boat Song

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Presented by The Denver Brass