BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Denver University//NONSGML//EN X-WR-CALNAME: Calendar Title CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:38016716a4b4d9ce7 DTSTART:20241016T013000Z DTEND:20241016T033000Z DTSTAMP:20241016T013000Z CREATED:20241021T130004Z DESCRIPTION:

 \;- $12\, free for students &\; faculty ($3 fee to purchase online)

Complimentary parking

The Reveró\;n Piano Trio&rsquo\;s main goal is to introduce audiences to underrepresented music from Latin America alongside contemporary and standard repertoire. These seasoned artists are active promoters of Latin American music through their work as scholars and entrepreneurs\, and they have devoted their careers to the discovery\, cataloguing\, performance\, editing\, and recording of this rich repertoire. In addition\, the trio continues to commission and perform new works: recent collaborations include \; \;(2021) and El Ventilador (2022)\, written for the trio by renowned Venezuelan-American composer \;\, and the world premiere of Barroqueada (2020) by Grammy-nominated composer Miguel del Á\;guila.

The trio\, which is composed of three Venezuelan musicians\, is named after Venezuelan painter and sculptor Armando Reveró\;n (1889- 1954)\, one of the earliest American modernists and considered one of the most important visual artists in Latin America.

Please see the trio's for full bios.


For ticket questions\, please contact the Newman Center Box Office at 303-871-7720.

For all other Lamont questions\, please call 303-871-6400.