BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Denver University//NONSGML//EN X-WR-CALNAME: Calendar Title CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:540267166a72c0309 DTSTART:20241108T003000Z DTEND:20241108T030000Z DTSTAMP:20241108T003000Z CREATED:20241021T085130Z DESCRIPTION:
"Un Mondo a Parte" (A World Apart)\, based in Abruzzo\, Italy\, addresses the very real issue of the closure of local rural schools due to depopulation and the resilience of the human spirit\, the power of education\, and the strength of community bonds. The film beautifully captures the essence of a community coming together and transcending boundaries to save something they hold dear.
The screening will be following by a Q&\;A session led by Dr. Irene Lottini\, the Anna Maglione-Sie Italian Scholar-in-Residence and professor at the University of Iowa.


¿ì»îapp the Showcase

In partnership with the Denver Film Festival and the Anna &\; John J. Sie Foundation\, the Showcase on Italian Cinema at ¿ì»îapp shines a spotlight on Italian language film by bringing impactful stories to campus. The Showcase gives students and community members an opportunity to engage with Italian cinema\, and features the expertise of the Anna Maglione-Sie Italian Scholar-in-Residence from the Department of Languages\, Literatures &\; Cultures in the College of Arts\, Humanities &\; Social Sciences.