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Update: Healthcare Working Group

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Meeting Held June 10, 2020

News  •
Internal  •

Attendees: Gregg Kvistad, Corinne Lengsfeld, Chris Short, David Odell, Eric Chess, JB Holston, Jerron Lowe, Karen Riley, Karlton Creech, Lloyd Moore, Nancy Lorenzon, Stephanie O’Malley, Michael Talamentes, Sarah Watamura, Jeremy Haefner, Michelle Moreau, Michael LaFarr, Tiffany Vermillion, Paul Chan

Updates/Introduction (Gregg Kvistad)

COVID 19 response group has done quite a bit of important work over the past two months. Important for us to consider how can we incorporate their work into this group.

Chancellor Update (Chancellor Haefner)

  • Chancellor is wrapping up conversations with several healthcare providers.
  • Plan to send out RFI soon.
  • Gallagher consulting team working with Chancellor and Gregg Kvistad on developing RFI.
  • Chancellor is pleased with timing. We’re in a good position to have a plan ready to go by late summer.


COVID / Contact Tracing Group Updates (Sarah Watamura)

  • We have been meeting with vendors, researching the contact testing landscape.
  • Rohini Ananthakrishnan is working with group from IT perspective, helping with data solutions.
  • Important to connect with IT on all COVID related technological solutions.
  • Currently reviewing contact tracing options.
  • Process works by taking positive or presumed positive cases, then doing interviews of all the infected individuals encountered to help stop the spread, typically done manually.
  • In context of COVID 19 – thinking about something more scalable rather than individual interviews.
  • We currently have funnel process when a positive case is identified/symptoms reported.
  • Group determines if infected individual has been on campus in previous 14 days, ensure individual is self-quarantining. If positive test and person has been on campus, report is submitted to reportCOVID@du.edu. This prompts our team to track, clean, determine if a symptom cluster occurring.
  • Also requiring twice daily symptom monitoring for all employees and students coming to campus.
  • Process is working well with the approximately 1300 people currently on campus. However, at full speed, we’re closer to 17,000 on campus. Group is researching how to implement scalable solutions in partnership with our current process. Ìý
  • Over past two weeks, we’ve met with vendors to review contact tracing/symptom monitoring options.
    • Different types (Apple/Google API based)
    • Centralized/proprietary app
    • Sensor/tracker based
    • Calendar tracing


  • Apple/Google wouldn’t be available as it’s only an option if the local public health institute is being used by state. Colorado is not using it, so it’s not available to us.
  • App-based solutions:
    • PWC – app downloaded by each user (need 60% or more compliance), app on phone that tracks contact with others who are also using app.
    • Mindful of privacy concerns.
    • Uses geofencing. App is only tracking when in geo-fence. If individual travel outside of zone, not tracked.
    • All app solutions except for Apple require users to self-report positives.


  • Sensor/tracker solutions (micro share):
    • Sensors installed across campus.
    • Individuals wear trackers.
    • Accuracy is higher, but user compliance is issue sense folks must wear the monitor.
    • Users self-report positive results.
    • Biggest issue is if we have enough time to implement before fall (on-campus sensors must be installed).
    • Could be good option for long term solution. Card access could allow chip in everyone’s ids. Tricky to lift in short time frame.


  • Calendar solutions:
    • Outlook calendar (track based on schedule).
    • Asked to indicate where you will be at all times.
    • If there is a conflict, calendar captures and reports it.
    • Flaw – you must put everything in calendar (restroom, breaks, etc.)


  • Packaged solutions:
    • Track building density
    • Track cleaning schedule
    • Track symptom monitoring
    • We’re doing all of these with our current internal process.


  • Additional considerations:
    • Manual tracing still recommended when positive cases are found
    • Data suggests that asking trusted peers to do contact tracing work yields best results.
    • Data management / security / privacy
    • Comprehensive communication and update plan to campus community.


  • Sarah Watamura thinks app-based solution is best bet for now.
  • Still working on determining pricing for all vendors based on our needs. Phone-based apps will likely be most affordable option.
  • Will need good coordination between provider and work of contact tracing group.
  • Lots of universities are standing up their analog tracing process. To do so institutions must have approval from local public health authorities.
  • Rohini Ananthakrishnan and IT team think for us to create our own contact tracing software would not be impossible but would be expensive and difficult. Likely best to contract with partner vendor.
  • Still reviewing contact tracing options:
    • Internal ¿ì»îapp community (work-study students?)
    • AmeriCore?
    • SeniorCore?
    • Important for ¿ì»îapp community to trust these individuals in order to yield accurate data.
  • Important to develop system that doesn’t have our team chasing bad data.
  • We will need to work with local and state public health authorities, particularly around trace testing.


Review of RFI (Gregg Kvistad):

  • Chancellor would like us to get this out asap
  • More conceptual document than specific. We’re looking to partner with a provider who can help us negotiate best strategy to build on our current systems.
  • Also potentially build larger relationships/partnerships as things unfold.
  • Will explore if any of the healthcare organizations have partnerships with contact tracing vendors.
  • Michelle Moreau and Gallagher team will help us with final RFI review.
  • Asking for quick turnaround time, by Monday, June 20.
  • Plan to submit RFI to Centura, National Jewish, Kaiser, Health One, Paladina


Next steps:

  1. Michelle Moreau and Gregg Kvistad to work with her on finalizing RFI.
  2. Will pull together a smaller sub-committee to focus on contact tracing. Email Gregg Kvistad if interested.
  3. Karen Riley shared that Fisher and Ricks will likely need their own system.

Meeting adjourned 3:30 pm