
Policy Manual Classroom and Event Recordings




Approved By: Theresa Hernandez, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Information Technology; Jennifer Karas, Vice Provost for Academic Programs; Corrine Lengsfeld, Vice Provost for Research and Sponsored Programs; Susan Lutz, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Information Technology; Jack Maness, Associate Dean, University Libraries.

Policy Number

Effective Date

  1. INTRO快活appCTION

    1. This policy reflects the following goals:
      1. To facilitate teaching and learning through the use of video and audio;
      2. To protect the privacy and relevant intellectual property of the University and community;
      3. To contribute to the public good by providing access to recordings of University events.
    2. This policy applies to:
      1. All University trustees, officers, faculty, visiting faculty, staff, students, postdoctoral fellows, research fellows, and individuals providing services to the University as contractors, visitors, and volunteers; and
      2. Persons unaffiliated with or not employed by the University who participate in or attend University events (e.g. commencement, conferences, public debates, or athletic events on campus).
    3. This policy does not apply to:
      1. Any person or persons recorded as a result of research projects; the management of all records related to research, including video and audio, are subject to policies and procedures overseen by the agencies sponsoring the research and the University鈥檚 Institutional Review Board.
      2. Televised athletic or other events where a third-party contract with a broadcaster exists.

  3. Recordings covered by this policy include classroom and public event activities, as well as portions of faculty and staff interviews, and may include traditional video or audio, digital or streaming transmissions, or communications among or between students, faculty, applicants and/or visitors that include moving images or audio. These recordings are also subject to University policies regarding Privacy, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Human Resources, Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Captioning, and Intellectual Property.

    Policies regarding recordings created by:

    1. Students as the result of coursework:
      1. A statement in the course鈥檚 syllabus should make students aware that such recordings would be required (or optional) in the course;
      2. A Student Consent and Release (Appendix A) should be secured and retained by the faculty member of record for at least one year (one Consent and Release per student per course is sufficient);
      3. Must only include images or audio of other persons who have been informed or have given verbal approval for being recorded;
      4. Must only be made available to the faculty and/or students in the course for which the recording was made, and only for the duration of the course, unless relevant permission is secured for wider distribution;
      5. Are owned by the student or students who initiated the recordings, and are otherwise further subject to the University鈥檚 Intellectual Property Policy (reference). If third-party Intellectual Property and copyrighted materials are included, these are owned by their original creators and students must seek permission for their inclusion or use them in compliance with Fair Use provision in U.S. Copyright Law (reference);
      6. Must not include activity in classrooms or other instructional settings without the express permission of the faculty member responsible for instruction in the course.
    2. Faculty via lecture capture, or for other instructional purposes:
      1. Should be preceded by a statement in the course鈥檚 syllabus that such recordings could be made in the course, and that collateral private conversations and behavior occurring in recordable spaces may end up being recorded and disseminated;
      2. If they include the likenesses of students, accompanied by a Student Consent and Release (Appendix A), to be retained by the faculty member of record for at least one year (one Consent and Release per student per course is sufficient);
          1. Where obtaining a signed release is impractical, a statement read prior to the start of a recording or signs indicating that recording is taking place may be sufficient, i.e. This event may be recorded and made available to the general public at the sole discretion of the 快活app.
      3. Guest lectures should be accompanied by a Photo & Video Release Form (Appendix B), to be retained by the faculty member for as long as the recording is also retained by the University;
      4. Are owned by the faculty member, and are otherwise further subject to the University鈥檚 Intellectual Property Policy (reference). If third-party Intellectual Property and copyrighted materials are included, these are owned by their original Creators and faculty must seek permission for their inclusion or use them in compliance with Fair Use provision in U.S. Copyright Law (reference).
      5. Public platform speaking (as defined in Policy 2.30.080, B.2., Speaker and Public Events), must also follow appropriate procedures in Policy 2.30.080.
    3. The University, of University-sponsored events,
      1. A Photo & Video Release Form (Appendix B) should be secured, particularly from speakers, panelists, performers, etc., and retained by the sponsor(s) of the event;
      2. Where obtaining a signed release is impractical, a statement read prior to the start of a recording or signs indicating that recording is taking place may be sufficient, i.e. This event may be recorded and made available to the general public at the sole discretion of the 快活app.
    4. The University, of applicant interviews, presentations, etc.:
      1. In the course of conducting its business, University divisions may record interviews, presentations, or other parts of faculty and staff interviews. A consent and release form signed by the applicant should be secured (Appendix C) and forwarded to Human Resources as a part of interview documentation.
        1. Where obtaining a signed release is impractical, a statement read prior to the start of a recording or an email seeking permission in advance of the interview is sufficient.
    5. Visitors, of University events:
      1. With the exception of commencement, visitors to the University are asked to refrain from recording public events and making them accessible via the internet, unless express consent is granted by the University.

  5. The University provides services and infrastructures that allow for recordings to be retained and made accessible per below. The person or persons who initiate the recording are responsible for securing and retaining permissions as appropriate, as well as for availing themselves of the management system supported by Information Technology. The University cannot commit to retaining recordings in systems other than that provided by Information Technology. A retention schedule is provided in Section III.E.

    1. Recordings created by students as the result of coursework:
      1. Where applicable, will be retained by the University in the management system supported by Information Technology for no more than one year. Students should make arrangements to retain their recordings thereafter;
      2. The student is responsible for securing and retaining requisite permissions;
      3. Unless there is pedagogical need for broader access, should be made available only to students enrolled in and faculty teaching the course.
    2. Recordings created by faculty via lecture capture, or for other instructional purposes:
      1. Where applicable, will be retained by the University in the management system supported by Information Technology for no more than three years. Extensions can be requested by faculty;
        1. If faculty or the University Libraries determine the recording is of significant historic or scholarly value, and appropriate permissions are retained, these recordings may be archived indefinitely and made publicly accessible.
      2. The faculty member is responsible for securing and retaining requisite permissions;
    3. Recordings of public events, or other recordings created by the University:
      1. Are owned by the University. If third-party Intellectual Property and copyrighted materials are included, these are owned by their original creators and the party using them must seek permission for their inclusion or use them in compliance with Fair Use provision in U.S. Copyright Law (reference).
      2. The Sponsor is responsible for securing and retaining requisite permissions;
      3. Where applicable, will be retained by the University in the management system supported by Information Technology for no more than one year.
        1. If University Libraries determine the recording is of significant historic or scholarly value, and appropriate permissions are retained, these recordings may be archived indefinitely and made publicly accessible.
    4. Recordings of applicant interviews, presentations, etc.:
      1. Will be retained in by the University in the management system supported by Information Technology for no more than three months;
      2. Should be made accessible only to members of committees, units, departments or divisions who have need to evaluate candidates, and/or other University employees
    5. Recordings of University events by visitors:
      1. A statement read prior to the start of a recording or signs indicating that recording is taking place and that visitors should refrain from doing so may be sufficient, i.e. This event may be recorded and made available to the general public at the sole discretion of the 快活app. We kindly ask you do not make your own recording.

    Type of Recording

    Retention Commitment

    Lectures by faculty or guests

    3 years, renewable

    Public events

    No more than one year; in perpetuity if deemed archival

    Student work

    One year

    Interviews/presentations of candidates

    No more than three months


    1. 鈥凌别肠辞谤诲颈苍驳鈥 shall mean any file or transmission that include moving images or audio.
    2. 鈥淐谤别补迟辞谤鈥 means any person or persons, affiliated with the University or not, who make, conceive, reduce to practice, invent, author, or otherwise make a substantial intellectual contribution to the creation of Intellectual Property.
    3. "Intellectual Property" - shall mean the legal rights in and to a Work as provided by applicable statute, regulation or judicial decision, including, without limitation, patent, copyright, trademark, service mark, trade secret, domain name registration, mask work, or plant variety protection certificate.
    4. "Sponsor"- shall mean any University employee, unit, or external person or persons who have contracted or otherwise invited guests to speak on campus.
    5. 鈥沦迟耻诲别苍迟鈥 shall mean an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in academic courses.
    6. 鈥淰颈蝉颈迟辞谤鈥 means a person who is not an employee of the University attending, sponsoring, or otherwise participating in an event on campus.
    7. 鈥淯苍颈惫别谤蝉颈迟测鈥 means 鈥淐olorado Seminary which owns and operates the 快活app.鈥