Grading Guide

It is of utmost importance that you take note of the following points concerning grading. Not following published grading policies puts the University and our students at risk of losing federal financial support. Specifically, we must follow institutional policy when assigning non-passing grades such as fail (F), never attended (NA), no pass (NP) or null (grade not reported). Please also review the revised Incomplete (I) Grade Policy听which is printed on the Application for Incomplete Grade form.

Reporting Grades: It is critical that grades be reported for all registered students in a timely fashion. For federal financial aid purposes, non-reported grades may be considered as failing. This can result in financial obligations for the student. Please do not hold back grades for a class when waiting for additional work from one, or a few, students. A grade must be entered for every student, but not necessarily all at once. You may enter grades for some of your students in a given course at one time and return to enter grades for additional students later.

  • Incompletes: The student must initiate the request for an incomplete (I) before the end of the academic term. An incomplete (I) is a temporary grade that you at your discretion may give to a student. The assignment of an incomplete grade is appropriate when circumstances beyond the student's control, such as illness or necessary absence, have prevented the student from completing your course requirements by the end of the academic term. Only students who have attended your class through more than 60% of the term are eligible to receive a temporary incomplete grade.
  • Never Attend: Assign a Never Attended (NA) grade to students who registered for your class (and appear on rosters) but never attended class. Although the grade of NA is counted as an F, it is a means of marking the course so that any possible registration problems can be reconciled for the student.
  • Failing Grades: Failing Grades: If a student ceases attending class or submitting assignments (and has not earned a passing grade), and if the student has not made arrangements for an incomplete (I), a failing (F) grade must be assigned. A Last Attend Date must also be entered for any grade of (F) assigned. If the student attended the course in its entirety and the student earned the grade of (F), please use the last date of the term as the Last Attend Date. If the student has withdrawn officially from the course, the grade of W will default on your grade roster.
  • Last Date of Attendance: Federal financial aid rules require institutions to record a student's last date of attendance if the student ceases attending a class. Last date of attendance appears on web and paper grade rosters. It is now very important that we know that a student received a failing (F) grade because he or she ceased attending class. In cases where you do not have an exact date, an estimate should be provided (e.g., last assignment date).
  • Grade Changes: Changes of earned grades are permitted only to correct an error in grading. Grade changes (excluding Incompletes) are not allowed for the completion or revision of course work, or the submission of additional course work.
  • Students should not be permitted to attend courses for which they have not registered. The 快活app does not allow retroactive registrations. You can view accurate, updated class lists at 听under the Faculty Resources.


  • Submitting Grades
    1. Go to
    2. Search or go to Faculty Tools
    3. Select "Grade Entry" and then select the course you wish to grade. You can click on the term header to sort the order of terms displayed.
    4. You may enter grades for only those classes for which you have been assigned as the primary instructor.
    5. For each student, enter the appropriate letter grade or select from the drop-down menu of grades.
    6. If a student stopped attending your course, record the grade earned and the student's last date of attendance. If you do not keep an attendance roster, please record the last date you received an assignment or for which you have a test score in lieu of the last date of attendance.
    7. If a student has withdrawn from your course, a grade of W will appear as the default grade. This grade cannot be changed.
    8. Once grades have been entered for any of your students, please check your entries carefully and then click "Save" at the bottom of the form. You can return later to fill in any grades you leave blank.
    9. You should receive a message just above the list of students' names that the changes you made were saved successfully. If necessary, you can select another class from the list to grade.
    10. Importing and Exporting. From the "Tools" menu, grades may be imported from an Excel spreadsheet. You must have specific column headings or map your columns; a self-guided import wizard will assist you. You can load grades multiple times if there are errors. The program will only load the changes. An error validation report is created prior to the actual grade load. You can also export a list of your grades from Faculty Grading, or you can export an empty spreadsheet to use to import grades.
    11. Congratulations! You're done!

    Final Grade Submission Deadlines

  • Changing Grades

    Grades submitted by instructors at the end of the term are final and are not subject to change by reason of revision of judgment on the part of the instructor. Grades cannot be changed on the basis of second trial, such as a new examination or additional work undertaken or completed after the original grade has been submitted.

    In accordance with University policy:

    • Grade changes must be approved by the department chair and dean
    • Expired Incompletes must be approved by the dean
    • Grade assignment for incomplete grades less than one year old do not need approval
    1. To initiate the grade change process go to听
    2. Search for听myWeb, then click on the Self-Service (myWeb)听link. If the Banner Self-Service folder does not appear on your screen, move on to step 4.
    3. Select Faculty and Advisors.
    4. Select Term Selection, and choose the term in which the class was taught. Submit.
    5. Select Course Toolkit.
    6. Select Faculty Grade Summary.
    7. Select the term and course for the grade change.
    8. Select the icon located on the right-hand side of the student's final grade. You may enter grades for only those classes for which you have been assigned as the primary instructor.
    9. Enter your change, select a reason, and click "Next" at the bottom of the page.
    10. Review the summary page. If it looks correct, click "Continue" at the bottom of the page.
    11. You should receive a message once the form is denied or approved.
    12. Congratulations! You're done!
  • Viewing Grades for Courses Taught in Past Terms
    1. Go to .
    2. Search for听myWeb, then click on the Self-Service (myWeb)听link
    3. Click on the Faculty and Advisors folder.
    4. Select Course Toolkit.
    5. Select Faculty Grade Summary.
    6. Select the term.
    7. Click on Enter CRN Directly.
    8. Enter the CRN and click Submit.
    9. The Final Grade column contains the grades originally entered. The Grade in Academic History column contains the current grades in the system, if any changes have been made from the original entries.
    10. If you would like to look at a different course when you are finished, return to Faculty and Advisors to select a different CRN and/or term.