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Student Complaints


A variety of channels exist at the ¿ì»îapp to resolve problems that a student may encounter. The purpose of this webpage is to outline avenues by which students may make appeals, lodge complaints, or file grievances at the ¿ì»îapp. This webpage is broken into several sections that address the most common categories of student issues and grievances, although there may well be overlap in particular cases. It is our aim, with this guide, to provide students with general information and specific contact strategies; it does not attempt to catalog the specifics of any particular procedure as they are numerous and may vary in detail among departments, units, schools or colleges and the like.

Occasionally, a student will encounter a problem on campus that they do not know how to resolve. When this happens, students should always try to work out the problem by first discussing it with those most involved with the issue. Dealing with concerns in the most direct and honest fashion should always be the first step toward resolution. Most problems are resolved when a student makes an appointment with a faculty or staff member and calmly and honestly communicates their frustrations or concerns.

The Campus Directory generally provides contact information for all the campus units, departments, Dean's offices, etc. from which an individual can usually determine where to go to make a complaint or lodge a grievance. All of the main campus entities also have contact information listed on their web pages.

The ¿ì»îapp Ombuds Office is an additional resource that students may utilize for counseling or advice related to resolving conflict within the campus community. The Ombuds can help people make sense of challenging situations and connect them with the University's policies, procedures, and resources. Visit the Ombuds Office website to learn more.

Issues wherein the student wishes to remain anonymous with respect to an instructor or staff member or where the student otherwise chooses to avoid directly discussing the problem with that individual

If, for whatever reason, a student does not want to personally or directly contact an instructor or staff member to discuss a complaint or grievance, the student should begin with the next highest level of responsibility, which would commonly be the department chair (or unit director). The student can request an appointment to meet with the chair or director and/or send a written description of the issue or problem and request that their identity be kept confidential. That request will be honored unless there are overriding reasons to do otherwise. For example, if a student alleges sexual or protected-class harassment or discrimination by a faculty member to a department chair, the chair must forward that information, to include the identity of the complainant, to the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX.

A student may also utilize the ‘Reporting and Resources’ on the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX’s website to learn more about options for reporting concerns or seeking support.

Academic Policy Decisions

Students may petition for an exception to academic policy through the Academic Exceptions processes or file a grievance of an academic decision through the Academic Grievance process. Additional information is available on the following pages:

  • must be based on problems of process or concerns of bias, retaliation or other impropriety, and not on differences of judgment or opinion concerning academic performance.

Issues about academic advising

Begin with your specific advisor, which may be major-specific or with the advising office of your school, college, or program (ex. Lamont School of Music, Daniels College of Business, Office of Academic Advising). Telephone numbers, names of the appropriate individuals, and e-mail addresses can be found on university websites under the specific school, college, department or unit. Appeals and grievances begin with your specific advisor and may continue with their supervisors or chairs in each school or college. Normally, supervisory level issues are by a written process.

Issues about grades, exam procedures, excused absences, class policies, etc.

Grade appeals must be based on problems of process and not on differences in judgment or opinion concerning academic performance. Individual faculty members have primary authority and responsibility in all these areas and are charged with carrying out those responsibilities in a professional manner. The grade appeal process consists of three levels and must be formalized in writing. Following the first level appeal to the faculty member, the chairperson or grade appeal committee may recommend grade changes but shall have the power to alter grades only in cases of clearly established procedural error or substantial capriciousness or arbitrariness in evaluation.

Detailed information may be found on the following page:

There is a separate appeal procedure for courses taught within the College of Law. Students with grievances in the College of Law should consult the specific guidelines for academic grievances with their unit.

The campus has standing policies and procedures on faculty accommodation for religious and disability reasons and if a student has a complaint in these areas, they can contact the department chair to ask for a resolution. If the student is unable to resolve the problem at that level, they may contact the appropriate Dean's office for specific instructions.

Additional resources around religious accommodations are available from .

Issues about faculty performance or faculty behavior

If reasonable and appropriate, students should begin with the individual faculty person to discuss and resolve the problem together, if possible. If this direct effort fails, students may then contact the department chair. If a student is unable to resolve the problem at the Chair's level, they may contact the appropriate Dean's office to determine the formalized process to resolve complaints and grievances with unit leadership. Appeals by students regarding academic decisions made by a Dean's office may end up being referred to a faculty committee for examination. This step typically constitutes the end of the formal appeals and grievance process.

If the faculty behavior in question involves allegations of sexual harassment, discrimination or other civil rights issues, students may contact the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX at TitleIX@du.edu. If the allegations relate to disabilities, students should contact Accessible¿ì»îapp: Student Disability Services at 303-871-3241 or dsp@du.edu for additional guidance.

Issues about course content, teaching methodology, etc.

Students should first discuss the issue with the individual to resolve the problem there, if possible. Faculty members have primary authority and responsibility in all these areas. If the student deems it necessary, he or she may then contact the department chair. If unable to resolve the issue with the Chair, the student may proceed to contact the appropriate Dean's office where a written process of complaint or grievance will be employed.

Issues about academic probations, suspensions, etc.

Academic probations, suspensions, etc. are handled through the relevant Dean's office of each school or college and their phone numbers and locations can be found in the Campus Directory (paper and online). These processes normally require written communication only.

Issues regarding academic integrity and the Honor Code

Students should reach out to Students Rights & Responsibilities within the Dean of Students Office at 303-871-5724 or SRR@du.edu.

The Honor Code is the Student code of conduct that outlines the expectations, rights, and responsibilities of every Student at the University. Students may review the Honor Code from the website if there are questions about the process.

Issues relating to the Graduate Education

The establishes and describes the process through which graduate students can communicate concerns related to academic issues or academic conflicts.

Additional information and resources regarding graduate education can be found on the Office of Graduate Education Academic Resources website.

Issues about class availability, times, etc.

The Office of the Registrar works closely with individual departments and colleges to schedule course offerings and classroom spaces accordingly. If there are concerns related to class availability or class times, students should start by discussing the issue with the relevant subject department. The department may work within the college or with the Office of the Registrar to potentially resolve the issue.

Issues about online and distance education

The ¿ì»îapp encourages students initially to address complaints and grievances relating to academics, consumer protection or other university policies with the specific individuals or units most directly connected with the issue at hand unless there are good reasons for not doing so, such as a desire to maintain anonymity.

Students residing outside of Colorado

If a student residing outside of Colorado has a complaint that involves distance learning education offered under the terms and conditions of SARA (State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, the student must file a complaint with the institution first to seek resolution. The complaint should be directed to the relevant academic unit for initial resolve. Additional notice may be sent ¿ì»îapp Office of the Registrar:

2197 S. University Blvd.Ìý
Denver, Colorado 80208Ìý

If the person bringing a complaint is not satisfied with the outcome of the university’s internal processes, a complaint may be filed with university’s SARA portal entity at the .Ìý
Although the SARA state portal entity is the correct location for out-of-state students to file a complaint, the ¿ì»îapp also provides the list of all state contacts for filing complaints should the student wish to inquire more.

Examples of types of student complaints that may be brought to the SARA portal entity include veracity of recruitment and marketing materials, job placement data, accuracy of information about tuition, fees, and financial aid, accuracy of course transfer information. Complaints and appeals involving grades or student conduct violations will not be reviewed by the SARA portal entity.

Further information on SARA and the SARA complaint process:

If all other avenues provided have been exhausted, unresolved complaints may be filed with the , the university’s regional accreditor.

Higher Learning CommissionÌý
230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500Ìý
Chicago, IL 60604Ìý

Issues about transcripts, credits, degree classification, etc.

For general questions of this type, please visit the Office of the Registrar in University Hall, call 303-871-4095, email registrar@du.edu or visit their web page at /registrar.

Issues about residence hall life

Generally, a student should bring their issue to the attention of their Resident Assistant (RA). Additional Housing & Residential Education staff members may assist in navigating issues related to on-campus living including the Resident Director(RD) and Graduate Resident Director (GRD) of your residential community. Additional information may be found on the website.

Issues about off-campus housing

Housing and Residential Education provides additional .

Issues about violations of the Student Code of Conduct

Students should reach out to Students Rights & Responsibilities within the Dean of Students Office at 303-871-5724 or SRR@du.edu.

The Honor Code is the student code of conduct that outlines the expectations, rights, and responsibilities of every student at the University. Students may review the Honor Code from the website if there are questions about the process.

Issues about possible crimes

Students should contact ¿ì»îapp Campus Safety. For non-emergency situations telephone 303-871-2334; for emergency situations always dial 911. Reporting resources are available on the Department of Campus Safety website.

Processes related to concerns or complaints about the Department of Campus Safety or members within the department can be found on Campus Safety’s contact webpage.

Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation

Concerns or complaints pertaining to discrimination, harassment, civil rights violations, or retaliation should be directed to the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX:

Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX

Complaint Procedures may be found on the Equal Opportunity & Title IX website.

Issues regarding disabilities and accommodations

Contact Accessible¿ì»îapp: Student Disability Services at 303-871-3241 or dsp@du.edu. If the issue is related to an allegation involving discrimination, please contact The Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX at 303-871-7016 or TitleIX@du.edu.

Issues about health

¿ì»îapp’s Health & Counseling Center is the primary on-campus place to contact with health issues. The HCC can be reached at 303-871-2205 or info@hcc.du.edu. For issues within HCC units themselves, contact their respective Directors.

Issues about parking, parking tickets, etc.

Contact the Parking & Mobility Services at 303-871-3210 or parking@du.edu.

Issues about tuition, fees and other charges

Student financial billing is handled by the Office of Student Billing located on the second floor of University Hall. Information about Student Billing can be found on the Office of Student Billing website. The Office of Student Billing may be contacted at 303-871-4944 or studentbilling@du.edu. Additional information about Tuition and Fee Policies can also be found on the Office of the Registrar website.

Tuition Appeals

The reversal of tuition and fee charges associated with the withdrawal from a course are governed by the University's published tuition refund dates and percentages, which are posted on the Registrar's website. In the case of extenuating circumstances that are beyond the student's control, a student may appeal for an exception to the posted dates and percentages. Information related to submitting an appeal may be found on the Tuition & Fees Policies website.

Issues about scholarships, financial aid, school-sponsored loans

The Office of Financial Aid, located on the second floor of University Hall, handles most of these issues. Additional information can be found at the ¿ì»îapp Financial Aid website. Financial Aid may also be contacted at 303-871-4020 or finaid@du.edu.

Issues about student employment

The website provides a variety of resources and support for the student employment process. The Student Employment office can be reached by phone at 303-871-2150 or by email at stuemp@du.edu.

Additional Resources

Student Affairs and Inclusive Excellence has additional resources available to support student experience and success efforts on their website.