
Each year, the Staff Senate holds elections for about half of the elected senators in the body. To ensure that this is a fair and equitable process, elections are governed by the Staff Senate Bylaws, the Elections Code, and are organized by a standing Elections Committee.

Generally, the timeline for this process includes the following:

  • Apportionments for Areas are determined based on staff counts provided by HRIC
  • Self-nominations are announced and forms are made available
  • Election slates are made public and individuals campaign for their areas or at-large seats
  • General staff election
  • New senators announced and seated on July 1

It's Election Time!

During the spring 2024 election, staff will be electing听three At-large Senators.


  • Self-Nominations Open: April 15-26.听
  • Voting Open: May 12-24.
  • Election Results Announced: June 10

What does an At-large Senator do?

At-large Senators represent staff, as a whole, at the 快活app and do not represent a particular area or group. At-large Senators serve a two-year term.听

Time commitments to expect as a senator:

  • Monthly Senate meetings: 1 hour per month
  • Committee Service Meetings: 1-2 hours per month (all Senators must serve on at least one committee)
  • Office hours: at least 1听hour per month
  • Communications with constituents, including emailing updates and asking for input: 1-2 hours per month听
  • Other Senate obligations may include participating in New Senator Orientation, 快活app New Hire Orientation, and organizing and hosting town halls: time commitments vary听

Elections in 2025

Starting with the spring 2025 election, the standard rotating cycle will be in full effect and all senators seated in July 2025 will serve standard two-year terms.

What to Expect for Elections

Staff from across the University will receive an email with links and instructions to vote for their Area's Senators and At-large Senators. Elections are decided by ranked-choice voting and staff ballots will only have the nominees that are applicable to their area.

Election results will be communicated in a timely manner, first to candidates, and then to the general staff population, by the Elections Committee. Results will be provided with sufficient time for new senators to prepare to take their offices.

If you have questions or did not receive a ballot, please contact us.