GPA Replacement

The 快活app allows degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate students to repeat most courses in order to meet the minimum grade requirement for a required course. When a student repeats a course, grades from all attempts appear on the student transcript, and all grades are used in computing cumulative and major grade point overages, total credits, and academic standing.

In order to invoke GPA replacement policy for a course, a student must have received an eligible grade in a prior attempt of the course. Grades of C-, D+, D, D- or F are eligible for repeat/replace for undergraduate students, and grades of B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- or F are eligible for repeat/replace for graduate students. Once a student invokes the GPA replacement policy for a course, that decision is irrevocable.

When GPA replacement is invoked, the grade from the latest attempt of a course replaces the grade from the most recent prior attempt of the same course in the cumulative GPA.

It's important to understand that, while the prior grade is replaced when calculating a student's cumulative GPA, all attempts of a course will be reflected on the student's transcript, with those attempts that have been replaced appropriately indicated. The replaced grade is excluded from the cumulative grade point average and credit totals in the official academic record; the grade from the latest attempt is included, even if the grade earned in the latest attempt is lower than the replaced grade.

Tuition is charged for all course attempts. There may be federal financial aid implications for the number of times a specific course is repeated. Students are responsible for checking with the Office of Financial Aid regarding course repeats and aid eligibility.

Fill out an Application for Course Repeat with GPA Replacement.

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  1. Please avoid submitting your GPA Replacement Applications more than once.
  2. We highly recommend you submit your GPA Replacement Application to the registrar's email address at
  3. If, after submission of your application, you decide to withdraw from the course or initiate an incomplete at any time during the term, please notify us at

Should I Pursue GPA Replacement?

Most students will find that when they repeat a course, there is only a small impact on their overall GPA, and that taking additional courses and succeeding in those is a more effective method of GPA improvement. It's also worth considering that, if a student is repeating a course to increase their GPA for graduate or professional school applications, these schools may calculate a student's GPA differently.

A good reason for repeating a course can be if a student feels the need to strengthen their knowledge of a particular topic in order to prepare for future classes. The other common reason to pursue grade replacement is to ensure courses count toward graduation requirements. Undergraduate majors and minors require students to achieve a minimum grade of "C-" in order to count toward graduation requirements. In some programs, Graduate students are required in to receive a B- or better in their coursework.

A course will not necessarily be easier the second time around. If a student chooses to repeat a course, they should maximize their chances for success by utilizing available resources and practicing good study habits.

  • Eligibility
    • This policy may be invoked only by currently enrolled, degree-seeking 快活app undergraduate or graduate students. Sturm College of Law students may not invoke this policy and are subject to the academic and grading policies of the Law School.
    • Students who have graduated are not eligible for GPA replacement for courses taken prior to earning their degree.
    • The policy applies only to undergraduate or graduate courses taken and repeated at 快活app. Classes ineligible for GPA replacement are FSEM, special topics courses and courses designated in the catalog as repeatable for credit (e.g. independent study/research, internship, field experience, thesis/dissertation hours, directed research/study, performance).
    • Undergraduate students may request GPA replacement for up to 4 classes. Graduate students may request GPA replacement for up to 2 classes. 路 Graduate students cannot take more than eight quarter hours beyond degree requirements in order to make up grade deficiencies.
    • If a student receives a low grade in a class due to academic dishonesty, that grade is not eligible for GPA replacement via this policy.
    • Once a student invokes the GPA replacement policy for a course, that decision is irrevocable.
    • Courses taken for GPA replacement must be taken for a letter grade.
    • Students may request grade repeat/replace only if the particular course is offered again. There is no guarantee that all courses are offered on a schedule that would permit repeat for every student.
    • No retroactive adjustments or transactions for prior terms will be performed as a result of repeating a course, including changes to academic standing, or eligibility for honors, athletics, or financial aid.
    • Some academic units may limit the number of times a student can enroll in a previously-passed course. Such limits must be observed when invoking this policy.
    • Grades of incomplete are not eligible for repeat with GPA replacement.
    • Requests to invoke the GPA replacement policy must be completed by the last date for course withdrawal.
    • A request to invoke the policy will be approved as long as the exact same course (subject code, course number) is selected, and the student has enough grade repetition credits left to cover the course. Once the grade repeat/replace credits are fully used, then there will be further no GPA replacement and all subsequent grades will be calculated into the cumulative GPA.
    • If a student invokes the grade repeat/replacement policy but drops or withdraws from the course before the end of the term, this attempt does not count against the number of credits a student is allowed to repeat, and the grade from the most recent prior attempt stands.