News & Events


  • April 2024: Dept of Education Releases Updated Title IX Regulations

    Dear ¿ì»îapp Community,Ìý


    On April 19, 2024, the United States Department of Education for the enforcement of Title IX. Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education programs and activities that receive federal funding. The Department has also issued a and .Ìý

    ¿ì»îapp has always been committed to upholding this law and promoting a safe and equitable living, learning, and working environment for all members of our campus community. While we have existing policies and procedures in place to address these issues, the new regulations affect how universities investigate and respond to allegations of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. This will require some changes to the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy and the related procedures to maintain compliance with federal law. The Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX (EOIX) is currently reviewing the new regulations, which span over 1500 pages. Once we have had the opportunity to completely review the new requirements and understand how they will affect our current procedures, EOIX will host a series of community conversations to share more information with you, answer your questions, and hear your ideas for implementation.ÌýÌý

    The effective date of these regulations is August 1, 2024. To comply with this deadline, ¿ì»îapp will update its policies and the applicable EOIX procedures before the start of the Fall 2024 term. We understand that the changing legal landscape can be stressful and that these changes may be difficult for some members of our community. ¿ì»îapp remains committed to providing support and resources to anyone impacted by discrimination, harassment, and gender-based violence. EOIX is available to answer any questions you may have about the new regulations and to provide guidance on reporting and seeking support.ÌýÌý

    We believe that the regulations represent an opportunity to continue to strengthen our efforts to prevent and respond to discrimination, harassment, and gender-based violence on our campus and in our community. We are committed to fostering a culture of respect and safety for all members of the ¿ì»îapp community. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Associate Vice Chancellor for Equal Opportunity, Marti McCaleb, atÌý We look forward to working with you to implement these important changes for our community.Ìý




    Marti McCaleb (she/they)Ìý

    Associate Vice Chancellor for Equal Opportunity and Title IXÌý

    Title IX Coordinator

  • July 2020: Proposed Title IX Procedures & Regulations

    July 31, 2020

    • Proposed Title IX Procedures: Please send your comments, thoughts, concerns, and ideas regarding the proposed Title IX Procedures to on or before August 4th and/or attend the on August 3rd, at 2:00 p.m. MDT.

    July 20, 2020

    • Following the Department of Education's publication of final regulations under Title IX, and consistent with the University's frequent communications with the ¿ì»îapp community as to its progress in implementing the regulations, we are ready to share a preliminary draft procedures with the community. We emphasize that this document is a draft and remains under consideration in many respects. Given the short timeframe the government provided to implement these regulations, we recognize the importance of obtaining community feedback early in the drafting process. The University's Title IX drafting group looks forward to your comments, thoughts, concerns, and ideas as we work through this incredibly important and impactful policy.
    • Please send feedback to by July 24th.
  • June 9, 2020: Provide Title IX regulations feedback

    Provide anonymous feedback on the final Title IX regulations.

    ¿ì»îapp is currently reviewing the final Title IX regulations and determining the necessary modifications to existing policies and procedures. As a member of our community, we welcome your questions and concerns about the regulations and ¿ì»îapp's implementation of the regulations.

    Review the final regulations and related materials from the U.S. Department of Education:

  • May 2020: Proposed & final Title IX regulations

    May 6, 2020

    • The Department of Education issued the new final Title IX regulations on May 6, 2020. The regulations will be effective on August 14, 2020, and ¿ì»îapp has been planning for that possibility. Community conversations and consultation about the new regulations and their impact on our policies and practices is planned for June and July of 2020.
    • Title IX prohibits gender based discrimination in education – this includes discrimination based on gender, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, and dating violence. (¿ì»îapp Announcement: Title IX Regulation)

    May 1, 2020

    • We are anticipating that the Department of Education will issue a new set of Title IX regulations. The release date is unclear. However, ¿ì»îapp is taking preparatory measures for the possibility that the regulations will be released soon and be effective in August, 2020. Title IX prohibits gender based discrimination in education – this includes discrimination based on gender, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, and dating violence.
  • January 21, 2020: Response to WeCan¿ì»îappBetter

    We would like to thank you for your courage and tenacity. The first-person narratives show how much further we have to go to create a culture of respect for one another so all can feel and be safe at ¿ì»îapp. The stories shared by ¿ì»îapp community members are abhorrent and unacceptable. You have our promise that not only do we hear you, but we are committed to making progress on each one of your requests to help this campus become a better place. We can do better, and we will.

    Specifically, below, we include point-by-point answers to your requests—what we commit to doing, what we have already begun, and what we have been doing that you may not be aware of. In addition, as soon as possible, the Vice Chancellor of Campus Life and Inclusive Excellence, Lili Rodriquez, and ¿ì»îapp's Title IX Coordinator, Jeremy Enlow, would like to speak with, and work with you, as well as the rest of the student body, to find out together what more we can do. Lili and Jeremy will report important updates to the Chancellor throughout this process.

    Click here to see full response.

  • December 11, 2019: Executive Order Regarding Title VI and Anti-Semitism

    On December 11, 2019, President Trump signed an that interprets Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as including protection from anti-Semitism. Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. Although religion is not a protected status under Title VI, religion is among the categories of protected status in ¿ì»îapp's anti-discrimination policy. The University continues its commitment to an equitable learning and working environment free from religious discrimination and harassment consistent with our policy. If you have questions about the executive order or any other matter related to our anti-harassment policy, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX.

  • July 25, 2019: Pay Equity Study Commissioned

    Commissioned by Chancellor Emerita Rebecca Chopp, the ¿ì»îapp has begun a pay equity study. This voluntary study has been established to determine whether there are systemic inequities impacting our non-union benefited faculty and staff salaries based on gender and underrepresented minority status.

    Ensuring an equitable approach toward compensation is a principle that ¿ì»îapp deeply embraces. While compensation is not the only driver for our employees, we know a fair and equitable framework by which compensation is set to be critically essential. As such, this study will be conducted in several phases, including the involvement of a third-party vendor, Gallagher, guided by an administrative team with input from a University advisory committee. Read more about the intent of the study, the community members involved and the expected timeline.

  • Equity in Action

    Equity in Action

    Preferred Name, Personal Pronouns, and Gender Designation

    Employers are increasingly evolving in their understanding of the importance of self-identity in the workplace. As a University Community, you have provided us with valuable input about how to improve our forms and records to be more inclusive. In response to your input and in conjunction with the University's diversity and inclusion goals connected to , we are pleased to inform you that PioneerWeb now provides you options for entering preferred names, personal pronouns, and gender designations that reflect your identity.

    To get there, navigate to the Employee tab on Ìýand then find the My Resources portal in the top left corner. Under My Resources, select the first option, My Personal Profile.

  • October 24, 2018: Proposal for Legal Definition of Sex under Title IX

    Recent news coverage has implied that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) may be leading an effort to establish a legal definition of sex under Title IX. The proposal, as quoted from a leaked memo, defines sex as either male or female, and gender as something determined by a person's genitals at birth rather than on the gender a person identifies with. As part of this effort, HHS is calling for key government agencies to adopt a uniform definition of gender, "as determined on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable."

    In light of this coverage, we wish to clarify that ¿ì»îapp's Equal Opportunity Policy and Procedures expressly prohibit harassment, discrimination or violence against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. These protections extend to our transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming and intersex students, staff, faculty, alumni, visitors, and community members.

    Additionally, ¿ì»îapp complies with the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act's prohibition against harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex, which extends to sexual orientation and gender identity.

    This development does not impact ¿ì»îapp's commitment to create a safe and inclusive campus environment, nor its commitment to providing a thorough, prompt, and equitable response to allegations of harassment, discrimination or violence on the basis of gender identity or expression. ¿ì»îapp was among the first higher education institutions to include both gender identity and gender expression in its non-discrimination policy and continues to prohibit harassment and discrimination against any person on the basis of sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.

    The suggested changes, even if not enacted, might raise concerns for our transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming and intersex community members, and reminds us of the vulnerability marginalized people experience on a regular basis. We encourage our community members to seek care and support whenever necessary through the other resources offered by the University.

    If members of the community experience gender-based harassment or discrimination at any time, they are encouraged to contact the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX, or the Center for Advocacy, Prevention, and Empowerment (CAPE).

  • August 31, 2018 : Procedures Update

    The University's 2018-2019 Equal Opportunity & Title IX Procedures are updated and can be found here.

  • April 25, 2018: All-Gender Restrooms

    The University approved and adopted guidelines for all-gender restrooms, showers, and changing facilities in existing facilities, new construction, and renovations. The guidelines can be found here.


Check back often for upcoming events.



Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX

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